Internet of Things IoT
Starting your IoT Journey
In a world where IoT is transforming businesses, you might wonder how you can jump aboard the train and stay or get ahead of your competition?
One of the pitfalls of an IoT solution is making it too complicated from the start, wanting to do everything at once, IoT is a Multi-Year Journey, Not a One-Time Event.
Have a big vision, but the best way to start on your IoT journey is with a small project that can generate quick payback. If your organisation’s management see that a small IoT investment pays off, they’ll be more willing to invest in larger, more strategic IoT implementations.
Building a proof of concept can be done relatively quickly and cost effective if you have the right sensor kit and an idea what you want to build.
“We bring a wealth of knowledge developing proof of concept, productions app and instrument integration”
The Right Solution for You
AST brings a wealth of knowledge developing proof of concepts, production apps and device/instrument integration. Often, you will find that simple solutions don’t require purchasing and deploying new devices and systems.
They may very well be things the organisation already has but haven’t yet connected for this purpose, this is where AST can bring its expertise. The right IoT solution can capture data providing fast payback, increase productivity, lower costs, improved quality and decision making.
We are always happy to help, provide insight or even help you find the right hardware for your solution.